This town or, more exactly, large village, started to become well-known
through books by
Both these authors concentrated mainly on one day in Jozefow -
massacred about 1,300-1,500 Jews there.
Jozefow near Bilgoraj was a typical Eastern Polish shtetl. Before the war its
Jewish population numbered about 2,000, more then 60% of the total population
of the village. The Jewish community was established at the beginning of the
eighteenth century, when the town as a whole was founded. In the nineteenth
century Jewish Jozefow was known for its very famous Jewish printing-house,
which published Hebrew religious books. Before WW2 it was a
poor, very provincial town, with orthodox Jews.
, and a large part of the
town centre was destroyed. At the
the Soviet Army entered
Jozefow, but after a short occupation the Soviets left the town. Together with
them, about 1,000 local Jews decided to escape to the Soviet Union. Only the poorest people stayed in the town.
At the beginning of the occupation life went on for the local Jewish population
without special atrocities by the Nazis. The symbol of the new era was the
. Among its members was the local pre-war
Jozefow Synagogue |
The bad times in Jozefow started in
March 1941. On
18 March 1941
about 1,100 Jews were resettled from
Konin (part of the territory included in
They were mainly very poor people who had lost their property - among them were a
large number of old and sick people. This large number of resettled people soon became
a major problem for the local Jews. The new arrivals had to live together with the
local inhabitants in overcrowded houses. Very soon food supply and hygienic conditions
became the major problems. As one of the survivors described it: "Bread and potatoes were a luxury."
Because of the extremely primitive living conditions, a typhus epidemic spread very
quickly, especially among the Jews resettled from
Konin. In
1941/1942 Jozefow was the centre of this epidemic in Bilgoraj County. It is important to
point out that there was no hospital nor a Jewish doctor in the village, only an "isolation house"
which was too small for all sick people. Among the
Konin Jews were two dentists,
but without medical equipment.
The conditions in Jozefow were described very well in a letter sent in
1941 by resettled
Jews from
Konin to the
Jüdische Soziale Selbsthilfe in
We are in a small town, destroyed because of the war, among very poor people who in
fact need our help. We are living in very bad conditions. ...We feel mainly the
lack of food, clothing and shoes, because we have lost everything."
In the next letter to the same institution,
M. Fürszt,
the representative of
Konin’s Jews, who worked in the people’s kitchen, wrote:
There is no way for us to earn anything. The majority "are living" on what they can
sell - clothes and linen. And even these things are almost finished. We are the
leading place in the whole Lublin district for the number of people who
have typhus. Death from starvation and hunger is visiting every home. It is horrible to see how
our children, emaciated and pale-faced, are going from house to house pleading for bread."
August 1941 living conditions became even worse when several houses in which Jews
lived were burned down at night. About 200 people lost the little property they had
and were made homeless. At that time, according to a
Judenrat report, 2,147 Jews lived in Jozefow.
At the
beginning of 1942, official rations for the Jews were 72 grams of bread a
day and 200 grams of sugar a month. Sometimes they got 60 grams of soap and 1 litre of paraffin.
The first
Aktion in Jozefow, connected with
Aktion Reinhard, took place
1 May 1942. The Bilgoraj
Gestapo arrived in the village with the local head
of that institution,
Gestapo men arrested 20 Jews in the village
who were on a special list. They were accused of being Communists. In fact, throughout
the county and in the neighbouring
Zamosc County, the
Gestapo and
SS organised a wave of arrests of people who might potentially have been leaders of resistance
when the deportations took place. The Jews, arrested in Jozefow, were taken to the
Gestapo prison in Bilgoraj and nobody knew what happened to them. It is possible
that, together with other Jewish men from Bilgoraj and
Tarnogrod, they were
deported to
Majdanek concentration camp.
From then on, not a month passed there without "murder" visits by the Germans.
As well as the Bilgoraj
Gestapo, the local Jews were afraid of members
of the
Schupo and the
Bahnschutz-Polizei (railway security police) from a nearby railway
station in the village of Dlugi Kat. Their commander,
Werner, was responsible
for the death of many Jews from Jozefow.
13th July Massacre Memorial Stone |
11 May 1942 three
Gestapo or
Schupo men (the organisation they belonged
to is not clear) organised a special
Aktion in Jozefow. They shot about 130 Jews
on the streets and in the local quarry. This first massacre in the village was so
horrible that it deeply shocked even the Germans in the civil occupation administration.
The largest single massacre, but not the final liquidation of the entire Jewish
population, happened on
13 July 1942. On that day men of the
101st Reserve Police Battalion,
commanded by Major
Trapp, executed 1,300 - 1,500 Jews in Jozefow. These people
were taken from their homes and gathered at the market square. There a selection was
held - about 300 young men were taken to the railway station and deported by train to
Lublin, probably to the
Airfield Camp. The other people, after a short journey
in trucks, were shot in the forest about 2 km from the village. The execution took
place on both sides of the road to Bilgoraj, at a site which the local inhabitants
Winiarczykowa Gora (Winiarczykowa Hill). Many people were already
killed in Jozefow itself - in their homes or on the streets. As some policemen stated after the
war during their trial: "
The bodies of the shot Jews were everywhere - on the streets,
in the houses and at the marketplace."
After the first volley of shots was heard in the marketplace, the Jews gathered there
started to scream, but in a few moments they became completely silent. The people went
to their death in silence, and only in the forest, at the last moment, did some of
them cry and some children scream.
By the evening the massacre was finished. The policemen went back to Bilgoraj, but not
all the Jews had been killed. Some of them still hid in cellars or in the forest.
Some, who were only wounded, came back from the execution site - no mass graves had been
dug, but after the execution the local Polish population was given the task of burying the bodies.
We may suppose that about 200-300 Jews survived the execution, which very quickly
became known in the surrounding towns and villages. As well as those who survived
the massacre, new Jews very soon arrived in Jozefow. They were from nearby villages
and had to move to Jozefow, where, according to an SS order, all Jews from the
surrounding localities had to be collected. This group probably numbered nearly
300-400 people. Among them was
Estera Fefer from
Krakow, resettled from there in
1940 to
Lukowa, a village near Jozefow.
She survived, and after the war she wrote in her testimony:
Jozefow was a town of death. The people were killed
without an Aktion, for no reason. At Yom Kippur they (the Germans) took people according
to a list of names. Officially there were 20 names on the list, but they took 70 people.
They were taken to the fire station where they were beaten horribly, and then they
were shot in the quarry behind the town, near the forest. During this Aktion the local
Polish population was very helpful."
This group of people was shot because
Columbus, chief of the
Gestapo, ordered a high contribution to be gathered from the Jews in Jozefow. Because the local
Judenrat did not give him the money in time, these 70 Jews were killed as hostages.
This happened in
September 1942.
3 November 1942 the final
Aktion was organised in Jozefow, and
afterwards the village was claimed to be
judenfrei ("free of Jews").
Until the end there was no ghetto in Jozefow. The Jews lived mainly near the market
and on the main street. The man, responsible for this last
Aktion, was
Werner, commander of the
Schupo from
Dlugi Kat. As well as this unit, railway police and Polish
police also participated in the liquidation of Jozefow's Jews. All Jews who did
not escape to the forest were gathered in the fire station, and then had to walk to the
railway station in
Dlugi Kat. On the way, many of them were shot - their
mass grave is located at Chojniasta Gora (Chojniasta Hill). Others were deported from
Dlugi Kat to the
Belzec death camp. The
group probably numbered about 200 - 300 people. These were the last deportations to
Belzec from Bilgoraj County.
Policemen Hunting for Jews |
At this time some of the Jews from Jozefow escaped to the forests. Throughout
November and December 1942 the
Schupo and
Bahnschutz-Polizei organised
round-ups around Jozefow, looking for hidden Jews. Those they caught were locked up in the village
jail. Always when a group of 10 - 15 people was collected they were executed near the new
school building in Jozefow. Some of the Jews in the forests became victims of bands, organised
by local farmers who wanted to rob these unarmed Jews.
1943 Polish and Soviet partisan units operated in the region, and some
Jews joined them. In the Jozefow region partisan battles took place,
especially after
June - July 1943, when the Germans organised a large-scale pacification
action against the Poles. Some more major struggles took place in
June 1944, under
participation of armed Jews. Finally, in
July 1944, the Soviet Army entered the
region and a small group of survivors was liberated, including
Estera Fefer
with her family.
Jewish cemetery |
Today it is difficult to say how many Jews from Jozefow survived. The total number
of Jewish victims can be estimated at approximately 2,500 - 2,600 people. Today only one Jewish
survivor who converted to Catholicism after the war lives in Jozefow. Jozefow's
synagogue and Jewish cemetery remained. At the site of the "13 July Massacre" a memorial stone was put up.
Lublin State Archives: Collection of documents, gathered by Dr. Zygmunt Klukowski of
Szczebrzeszyn, 1944-1946.
Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw: Documents of Jüdische Soziale
Selbsthilfe; Testimony by Holocaust Survivors - Testimony by Estera Fefer.
Archive of the Majdanek State Museum: 1942 "Death Book".
Z. Klukowski: Dziennik z lat okupacji (Diary of the Occupation Years), Lublin 1959.
Ch. R. Browning: Ordinary Men. The 101st Reserve Police Battalion and Final
Solution in Poland. Harpers Collins 1992.
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